Our Labs and Facilities

Eight laboratories of Biosystems occupy a space of approximately 5,000 square feet and are equipped to carry out most investigations.
A walk-in clean room, walk-in incubation room, walk-in refrigeration room, an animal house, a greenhouse, a darkroom for photography, a library and a computer room are ancillary facilities.
We are equipped to carry out most investigations in the areas of biological and chemical sciences, including bacteriology, biochemistry, botany, chemistry, entomology, genetics, immunology, industrial hygiene, microbiology, molecular biology, mycology, toxicology, virology and zoology.
Major instrumentation includes laminar biological and chemical safety cabinets, walk-in and bench-top incubators, autoclaves, ambient and refrigerated centrifuges, light phase contrast and inverted microscopes, atomic absorption (AA) furnace, gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) columns and associated detection equipment, homogenizers, refrigerators, freezers, liquid nitrogen freezers, ovens, spectrophotometers (AA, Vis, UV, IR, MS), balances, ion-specific cum-pH meters, water baths, automatic glassware washers, soil, air and water samplers. Equipment and instrumentation are also available to provide high quality de-ionized and high purity, sterile, pyrogen-free distilled water on a continuous basis.